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Monday, February 13, 2012

February 13, 2012

I had hoped that the rigid and systematic approach to my carving would relate back to the title of my book, and it did. We all are taught to write in a very rigid systematic way. There are certain steps that need to be followed in order to compose a well-written paper, book, etc. I wanted to try and show that in my carving. When writing you start out with one thing then move to the next, then the next, then the next, until you have a complete work and arrive at the final step or finished product. I chose to depict a scene where writing occurs; a quite area with a desk surrounded by books. This was my first step, to show the scene. When you flip through the book you get from one plane or step to the next and the next until you arrive at the final plane which is the window. This window houses what in my opinion was the best advice this book could give to writers; "Get The Right Word". Without the right word you have a paper that doesn't work. Without the right word you could say something different than what was intended or not give the scene the proper emotion or description. Without the right word, you have nothing.

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