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Monday, April 23, 2012

April 23, 2012

Sooooo, the last time I blogged I discussed creating different "paths", "lines", "layers", etc. I have been working on it and am having a hard time creating the tension between my new grid and the pre-existing grid of trees. I want to create a "layer" that is right next to the tombs that is somewhat narrow to designate that space as a sort of private, personal viewing space but that is large enough to also accommodate circulation, then a larger space where a funeral party could gather and maybe have seats or whatnot, then a layer that is larger than the first but smaller than the second that I envision to be a less private or rather enclosed contemplation space. In these spaces is where I wanted to create this "tension". I also wanted to bring that tension into the areas between the tomb structures to create a different sort of "tension" or play between the two grids. I chose to try and do this is in these spaces to make physical the emotional tension that I feel would be happening between the dead and living in these spaces. I am just having trouble merging the grids. Do I merge them strictly in line and orientation? Do I merge them and have one grid completely take over and overpower the other in these spaces and create irregular shapes that can turn into forms? Do they create a tension through different opposing textures? I don't want to do something that is too complex or that takes away from the clean simplicity of the tomb forms. I like the horizon or scenery that the tomb structures create and don't want to interrupt that. There is also the language that is created on the east (I believe it's east or north-east) side where I created large openings for viewing the tombs that are under the ground. I want to continue that language of creating special zones in front of the tomb spaces for viewing. I have been playing with the idea of pulling that space up 6" as a viewing platform because the other side has a recession and the circulation within the tomb structures only goes down, while this side's circulation only goes up. I feel like this a rational solution but I don't know if I want to continue the language of the tomb structures into the site or give the site its own language that relates to the tomb structure in terms of viewing and not in the push and pull language of the tomb structures.

So many things to think about!!! I'm going to try and depict all of these variations for tomorrow and can we discuss? Or can you drop me a comment tonight and tell me if there's one that I should explore deeper than another?

1 comment:

  1. hi... just saw this. (my rwu email is so filled with spam that i have reverted to a very high spam filter...) at any case, i suspect that by now - a day later - things have been considered and resolved. i guess we will see in studio. (but, if you haven't done anything by now - which i doubt - i would suggest to try all of the alternatives)
